We hope you enjoy the new experience of shopping with Hillbilly Scrappin, please note we are still a work in progress... Let me know if you see something seriously incorrect. As we progress over the coming months you will see some subtle changes to the website.
I want to thank my beautiful son in law Jay for his patience and love and your expertise to get this up and running. My granddaughter Lil for your input and explaining some of the concepts to your Gran it was a great help at the start LIl.
A Big shout out to Mel for spending the last couple of Weekends putting up with my meltdowns, counting and recording products... Thank you so Much Mel so appreciated... Watch out for Mels Virtual classes advertised through the Web.
Orders at the moment will be posted twice a week Mondays and Wednesdays so that if I'm away at retreats or craft shows your order will not be impacted
As we all go through this next learning phase, please try and not order while we are at a retreat or Craft show to ensure all orders can be fulfilled. Notices of when we are away will pop up on the Notice board and Facebook page.